Weekly Thingies Of the Bookish Sort
Hiya there peoples! Did ya miss me? Probably not, but here I be anyways! I'm gonna try to finish up another book by the end of the week! I'm currently reading: I am super into this series now (better late than never right?) and I do hope to finish and get into the next one! Also to help me along the way I am thinking about another Tuesday night-Wednesday readathon here...still debating but the last one was such a success for me! What am I watching? I've started on Interview with the Vampire and am loving it. I am very intrigued by the changes but also love how they are sticking with the story. I'm a few episodes in and really hooked! If I do the readathon, I'll post something about it tomorrow with time frames and my TBR (though Clash of Kings is a pretty chonky one so I might just do that one?) So what are you reading/watching this week?