Monday Reading Post


I have been a horrible book worm lately! I've read next to nothing other than school related things all month long! I'm hoping to change this this week, I still have a massive amount of school work but I'm going to devote at least an hour of my daily time to reading so I can catch the eff up! 

So what's on the plans for this week?

  • A Clash Of Kings 
  • Red Rising 
  • Crime and Punishment (I am not going to finish this obvs.)
I am also seriously contemplating doing another weekly readathon Tuesday night to Wednesday. Just raw dogging as many books as I can fit into my cranium until my eyes stop working!

I haven't decided yet so I'm just throwing it out there! 

I have a total of 3 classes that I'm taking now divided between two programs (Vet tech and my Med. Science program) so that plus work, plus my caregiver duties has me pretty busy.

But I've been seriously missing just getting lost in the sauce and reading so I'm gonna try to be a better book worm. 

Wish me luck! 


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