
Monday Reading Post

  I have been a horrible book worm lately! I've read next to nothing other than school related things all month long! I'm hoping to change this this week, I still have a massive amount of school work but I'm going to devote at least an hour of my daily time to reading so I can catch the eff up!  So what's on the plans for this week? A Clash Of Kings  Red Rising  Crime and Punishment (I am not going to finish this obvs.) I am also seriously contemplating doing another weekly readathon Tuesday night to Wednesday. Just raw dogging as many books as I can fit into my cranium until my eyes stop working! I haven't decided yet so I'm just throwing it out there!  I have a total of 3 classes that I'm taking now divided between two programs (Vet tech and my Med. Science program) so that plus work, plus my caregiver duties has me pretty busy. But I've been seriously missing just getting lost in the sauce and reading so I'm gonna try to be a better book worm.  Wi

Weekly Thingies Of the Bookish Sort

 Hiya there peoples! Did ya miss me? Probably not, but here I be anyways! I'm gonna try to finish up another book by the end of the week!  I'm currently reading:   I am super into this series now (better late than never right?) and I do hope to finish and get into the next one!  Also to help me along the way I am thinking about another Tuesday night-Wednesday readathon here...still debating but the last one was such a success for me!  What am I watching? I've started on Interview with the Vampire and am loving it. I am very intrigued by the changes but also love how they are sticking with the story. I'm a few episodes in and really hooked!  If I do the readathon, I'll post something about it tomorrow with time frames and my TBR (though Clash of Kings is a pretty chonky one so I might just do that one?)  So what are you reading/watching this week? 

Weekly Readathon!

 Yup, I've decided that I'm going to do it again this week! It's not going to be a 24 hour thing (cuz I'm old and can't do that shizz every week!) but I will try for at least 12 hours (I'm gonna time it). I want to finish A Game of Thrones between now and tomorrow night.  I will use this as an update page! 

My Weekly Reading Plans

  I did so great with the readathon and all last week! I am hoping for another really awesome reading week this time too! I'm also thinking about maybe making my personal readathon a weekly thing...but considering I am an old person...I may not go as hard as I did last week! So this week I have A Game Of Thrones by G.R.R. Martin that I'm getting into. So that's the first one that I want to get done. Then I have started (but not quite gotten into Red Rising .  So what are you reading this week? 

Read-a-thon Update Post

    So at 7pm CST tonight, I will be starting this readathon! I have my snacks, my drinks, and my books stacked and my kindle stuffed. I will be going for as long as I can tonight and getting back in tomorrow! All day long! (with a few small naps thrown in).  So I'm going to update in chunks of 4 hours. Counting my pages read, time (will use a timer) and just rando notes as I go along.  Update 1 7pm-11pm: Book(s): Fire and Blood by George R. R. Martin (starting page: 471) Pages Read: 156 pages  Notes: I have taken a few mini-breaks to eat, to take care of some things that have come up. I am almost done with F & B and will finish it before the next block is up. I think that a little nap is going to be in order but not a long one. I'll push through as much of this upcoming block as I can. Caffeine will see me through!  Update 2 11pm-3am: Book(s): Fire & Blood (starting page 627) Pages Read: 90 Notes: I had to take a nap, but I'm back and wide awake again!  Update 3 3a

My Readathon Stack!

  I've gotten fancy and actually snapped a pic of my readathon least my physical copies. This stack and my kindle are what I'm going to be grazing from... So here it be! And like I said, I have my kindle which is stuffed completely with other choices! My snacks are coming soon (along with lots of caffeine) so I'm ready! 

High Summer Readathon Starts Soon!

  I am participating in August! Click the banner thingy to join in!