Spring Into Horror Readathon *Hosted by Seasons of Reading


I'm joining a bit late but better late than never, right? 

The one main "rule" of Spring into Horror is that you must read at least ONE scary book (which can be a thriller, mystery, Gothic novel, or similar for those who are faint of heart). I hope you will indulge the scary beyond the one book, but that is entirely up to you. It is all about the reading after all.

So I will be finishing up The Shining by Stephen King and launching myself into It by Stephen King (might be a Spring into King month). 
I'm going to be trying to get those two (I'm almost finished with The Shining) and possibly one more if I am focused enough. 

I will probably try to participate in the readathon on the 27th, but I am not sure if I will be able to. I have been missing readathons super hardcore!

Anyways, let's get our spooks on! 

*Oh yeah, check back for updates as the month goes by. 


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