In Which I Plan Out My Weekly Reading


So friends, it is quite obvious that I am not good at this whole "keeping a schedule" and "doing what I am supposed to do" thing. Right?! But I figured I'd give this week a little kick in the pants. I'm going to chug along and see what I can do to fix this ish. 

I fell 3 books short of my goal of 5 last month (what a silly way of saying I only read two books in a whole ass month!) and I am not pleased. So this month I am going to aim for 5 again and actually effing do it!

My TBR for this week is as such

  • Pet Semetary-Finish 
  • Blood at the Root- Finish
  • The Three-Body Problem
  • Fire and Blood
  • TBD-Something silly I would think
So that's 2 books to finish and 3 to read entirely. I am busy with my school work/latin studies and working, but I am going to be doing my thing! 

So what does your reading stack look like? 


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