Weekend Reading


So my plans for the week changed, I did not do as much reading as I hoped for so I kind of just deleted the weekly readathon doohickey. Weeeeee. 

Kinda went through a lazy spell, kinda had multiple panic attacks but whatev. My grown-ass son has rescheduled his visit with me this weekend and I am pretty broke, so I figured that this weekend would be well spent reading. I won't call it a readathon, but maybe like a read-a-whole-lot-a-thon? 

I do work today (Saturday) 2pm-6pm my time, but otherwise alls I have on the agenda is a workout, a laze-about, and then some couch sittin', so why not make it a bit more productive than that? 

My TBR is pretty much the same:

  • The Three-Body Problem (starting page: 95)
  • Fire and Blood (Starting page: 76)
  • Fourth Wing (starting page: 18) 
If I can finish one out of the three by the end of the weekend I would be a deelighted human person! 

Knowing my dumbass I'll be full blast with a bout of book A.D.D. and flip flop around through all of them over the weekend so who knows? 

So let's do this...hopefully. 

Weekend Totals

I got sucked into Fire & Blood and pretty much only read that. I did not finish like I was hoping, but I did get a good chunk read.

I read a total of 229 pages! 


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