
Showing posts from July, 2024

Read-a-thon Update Post

    So at 7pm CST tonight, I will be starting this readathon! I have my snacks, my drinks, and my books stacked and my kindle stuffed. I will be going for as long as I can tonight and getting back in tomorrow! All day long! (with a few small naps thrown in).  So I'm going to update in chunks of 4 hours. Counting my pages read, time (will use a timer) and just rando notes as I go along.  Update 1 7pm-11pm: Book(s): Fire and Blood by George R. R. Martin (starting page: 471) Pages Read: 156 pages  Notes: I have taken a few mini-breaks to eat, to take care of some things that have come up. I am almost done with F & B and will finish it before the next block is up. I think that a little nap is going to be in order but not a long one. I'll push through as much of this upcoming block as I can. Caffeine will see me through!  Update 2 11pm-3am: Book(s): Fire & Blood (starting page 627) Pages Read: 90 Notes: I had to take a nap, but I'm back and wide awake again!  Update 3 3a

My Readathon Stack!

  I've gotten fancy and actually snapped a pic of my readathon least my physical copies. This stack and my kindle are what I'm going to be grazing from... So here it be! And like I said, I have my kindle which is stuffed completely with other choices! My snacks are coming soon (along with lots of caffeine) so I'm ready! 

High Summer Readathon Starts Soon!

  I am participating in August! Click the banner thingy to join in! 

Read ALL The Books Readathon-Starts Tuesday 30th at 7pm CST

  So I missed the reverse 24 hour readathon last weekend, I had work and my son was here, so I couldn't participate. HOWEVER, I get off work at 6pm on Tuesday and have ALL of Wednesday and Thursday until 6pm! Sooooo I figured, why not?  I am going to try to do the whole 24 hours, but I will allow myself a couple of smallish naps. I will have plenty of snacks, caffeine and of course BOOKS!  You can join in if you want, this isn't a strict serious business readathon...btw because I am not a strict or serious business kind of human.  I'm planning on posting my TBR stack (after I figure it out) on Monday or Tuesday. Prepare! 

This Week's TBR

  Well I had a great reading weekend. I still managed to get a lot of stuff done but also managed to chugalug a bunch of pages from Fire & Blood . I had planned on bouncing across a few books but something about F&B just sucked me right in. So I am well pleased!  I didn't finish it so my #1 goal is to do that.  Once I finish F&B, then I am going to dive right back into The Three-Body Problem . I did really like what I was reading in that one but again, F&B snatched me up and wouldn't let go.  If I finish TTBP, I am contemplating starting (gasp...I have not read it yet) A Game of Thrones and continuing my journey through Westeros...but that is TBD.  What will you be reading? 

Weekend Reading

  So my plans for the week changed, I did not do as much reading as I hoped for so I kind of just deleted the weekly readathon doohickey. Weeeeee.  Kinda went through a lazy spell, kinda had multiple panic attacks but whatev. My grown-ass son has rescheduled his visit with me this weekend and I am pretty broke, so I figured that this weekend would be well spent reading. I won't call it a readathon, but maybe like a read-a-whole-lot-a-thon?  I do work today (Saturday) 2pm-6pm my time, but otherwise alls I have on the agenda is a workout, a laze-about, and then some couch sittin', so why not make it a bit more productive than that?  My TBR is pretty much the same: The Three-Body Problem (starting page: 95) Fire and Blood (Starting page: 76) Fourth Wing (starting page: 18)  If I can finish one out of the three by the end of the weekend I would be a deelighted human person!  Knowing my dumbass I'll be full blast with a bout of book A.D.D. and flip flop around through all of the

Pet Sematary

  I don't think I have to explain the plot of this one, but just in case you've never heard of this book ( have you been living under a rock? JK) Here is the summary (from Amazon) When Dr. Louis Creed takes a new job and moves his family to the idyllic rural town of Ludlow, Maine, this new beginning seems too good to be true. Despite Ludlow’s tranquility, an undercurrent of danger exists here. Those trucks on the road outside the Creed’s beautiful old home travel by just a little too quickly, for one thing…as is evidenced by the makeshift graveyard in the nearby woods where generations of children have buried their beloved pets. Then there are the warnings to Louis both real and from the depths of his nightmares that he should not venture beyond the borders of this little graveyard where another burial ground lures with seductive promises and ungodly temptations. A blood-chilling truth is hidden there—one more terrifying than death itself, and hideously more powerful. As Louis

In Which I Plan Out My Weekly Reading

  So friends, it is quite obvious that I am not good at this whole "keeping a schedule" and "doing what I am supposed to do" thing. Right?! But I figured I'd give this week a little kick in the pants. I'm going to chug along and see what I can do to fix this ish.  I fell 3 books short of my goal of 5 last month (what a silly way of saying I only read two books in a whole ass month!) and I am not pleased. So this month I am going to aim for 5 again and actually effing do it! My TBR for this week is as such Pet Semetary-Finish  Blood at the Root- Finish The Three-Body Problem Fire and Blood TBD-Something silly I would think So that's 2 books to finish and 3 to read entirely. I am busy with my school work/latin studies and working, but I am going to be doing my thing!  So what does your reading stack look like?